Top 5 Keto Mistakes to Avoid
Unexperienced and first-time Keto dieters always question themselves and others how long to get into Ketosis and how do I get back into Ketosis quickly? And by others, we mainly mean search engines and online forums. Anyways, they are missing one major moment, what are they doing wrong that gets them out from Ketosis and back to as it was before. Here are some of the most common mistakes most people make on a Keto diet.
Top 5 mistakes people make on a Keto diet
People think of Keto as a quick fix
Even though a Keto diet can deliver fast results, it won’t do any good if soon after you go back to your old eating habits. It will get back on its path much sooner, and all the efforts will go in vain. Think of the Ketogenic diet as a lifestyle change, a long-term commitment that can deliver amazing results in the long run.
Avoid eating fats
The fats are associated with unhealthy, high cholesterol and high blood pressure food. We've been raised and constantly reminded how bad fat it is for us. However, that's not entirely true.It is only half of the story as there are good fats and there are bad fats. Avoiding fats altogether is one of the worst things you can do to your Keto diet.
The trick is to avoid processed trans fats (dairy products, cheese, poultry with skin, pork, lamb, etc.) and focus on good fats that can be found with foods such as fish oil, walnuts, avocados, and eggs.
Consuming too many proteins
This is quite a common mistake as many people think it’s perfectly okay to eat plenty of proteins as a replacement for the low carb intake. The thing is that the extra proteins will be converted into fat. Therefore, check your diet guide and don’t take more than what you are supposed to take.
Not enough water
Even though this is one of the first things people are told when starting a Keto diet, it is one of the most common mistakes they do. The thing is that during a Keto diet the body loses plenty of fluids and by drinking water, you replenish that loss.
Not enough water in the organism and your body automatically goes into a mode that stores as much as fat as possible. That's the opposite of we want to achieve. But when you are well hydrated, everything works as it should.
You don’t sleep enough
Going into Ketosis is a process that puts your body under a certain level of stress. By sleeping enough, you give your body the time to adjust to the ongoing changes. On the other hand, not enough sleep will only make things harder for you to adapt to the new situation and will take longer to get into Ketosis. Therefore, take your sleep seriously if you want things to go smoothly with your Keto diet.
Final Words
Going into Ketosis and staying there can be only challenging if you don’t stick to the prescribed path. Also, if you keep making the mistakes described above. They might look like bit pathetic, not drinking enough water or lack of sleep, but they can have a serious impact on your Keto diet. So, follow through everything and make the most of your Keto diet.
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